Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas in California
Joshua also got to play with Maki and Hannah, his good friends and daughters of Linda and Stefan. Joshua also had fun with Jackson and Olivia, children of Bob and Sarah. When Joshua is around these kids, he seems like a normal happy boy. Sometimes in the isolation of Boston, it seems like he's so different from the kids I see at work--mainly because they speak Chinese and have different values (parents not engaged in their children's development).
Today at Zachary's red egg party, he surprised yeh-yeh by saying that he wanted a "regular chair!" and not a high chair. Who taught him regular? I don't know.
He's really been into saying that he's "scared" or "sad." Sample monologue Joshua says: "Lamb is sad. Lamb needs a doctor! Oh Gosh! Lamb needs a shot!" We're hoping he doesn't get into a habit of saying he's scared or sad just to get attention. We want to give him positive reinforcement when he says he's happy!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I do throw up again!
Tonite, as I was rushing to cook dinner and get Joshua ready for our small group, I got Joshua into his high chair, his food ready in front of him, and I started digging into my food. Joshua wasn't eating though and he was muttering something quietly. I leaned in and finally understood him saying, "Forgot 'keedo'" "Keedo" means prayer in Korean. I was humbled and amazed at my son's quiet rebuke of his dad who had forgotten to say grace before a meal. So we held hands, and Joshua said, "Thank you God! Amen!" before diving into his noodles.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
25 months old
1. jump on the sofa. He says he is a "jumping bean!"
2. likes to read "surprise" books at bedtime. He keeps on patting my shirt to see if I have any more books underneath to pull out. He usually likes to go to bed with 2 books, his lamb and a big comforter.
3. ride his train around the house and dorm
4. still look for easter eggs. He hasn't gotten the concept down of hiding them himself yet.
5. likes to put his treasured items: trains, trick or treat candy, leaves, money, Lego's into the cargo bin of his train
6. kiss momma and dada
7. is looking forward to Christmas and Santa Claus giving him a "green present"
8. still has hair that naturally styles into a mohawk in the morning
9. wants to "go to work also" with dadda in the morning
10. likes to "take Carmen home" at nite and see the "green trains"
11. likes to eat Vietnamese egg rolls ("cha giao!"), Wolfgang veggie pizza at the museum, pasta, blackberries, oranges, pears, blueberries, apples, grapes, and raisins.
I like food!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I want some coffee!
He has also inherited Annette's love for coffee--when I asked him this morning if he wanted some water, he replied, "I want some coffee!"
Joshua's favorite stuffed animal now is "Lamb." It's not exactly a lovey--since he's OK if Lamb doesn't travel with him and he doesn't need it to sleep or for comfort. He just loves to hug stuffed animals. When we go to stores, he'll go down the aisle and hug each one, and then put it back on the shelf. He just likes soft things, even our bathroom mats. While hugging the lamb this morning, he said, "Lamb stinky!" which of course would happen since he's hugging and kissing it all the time, sometimes with food smeared on his face. I handwashed Lamb and threw him into the dryer for some fluffing, and now he's as good as new.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fast Learner
Friday, November 23, 2007
Shake It Baby!
I was surprised when he heard a banjo playing in the background of a radio program the other day, and he astutely remarked that it was a "banjo!" I don't think he's ever even seen a banjo played before.
We put up the Christmas decorations this week and Joshua likes to point out "Christmas tree!" whenever we see one.
After Joshua saw some videos of himself at 6 months old babbling, he has started to go into periods where he pretends he's a baby and says, "Gaga!" to everything.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Giving Thanks
After Annette told him that he came from her belly as a baby, he keeps on lifting up her shirt and says, "I want to go in!" and commands her belly to "Open up!"
He saw Annette's drink at dinner tonite and correctly identified it as "Wine!" I asked him what else mom drinks, and he said, "Coffee!"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
2 years old
1. Is obsessed with trains. Doesn't drum as much any more.
2. Likes to pretend to pick apples and give them to people, even strangers.
3. Knows all the letters of the alphabet, and loves to sing the ABC song.
4. Typical sentences: "Dadda, hold you now" "I want to do it myself!"
5. Says that the bullet train and Mount Fuji is in "Japan!"
6. Walks up and down stairs on his own.
7. Scoots along on his toy train really fast.
8. Likes to cook, especially pasta.
9. Eats fried rice, dumplings, meatballs, noodles, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes (which he calls "matatoes"), pineapple, grapes, orange--mostly any fruit.
10. Likes to read "Go Dog Go" by Dr. Seus and Curious George books.
11. Weighs 30.5 lbs and wears size 8-9 shoes.
12. Likes to participate at singalong and storytime at the library now
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
? Barney & trains
"I wanna go past the train tracks!" is something we hear everytime we get into the car and drive out of the garage.
He is getting very specific in his train identification, differentiating locomotive, hopper, house car, and the caboose.
My favorite is watching him when he reads the big train book and we get to the bullet trains in Japan. He immediately shouts, "Mount Fuji!" which is in the background.
He is also really into changing the batteries in all his trains/cars. He will grab the box of batteries, a screwdriver, and then manipulates these tiny screws and screwdrivers with great care.
Annette is in California, and so I've been feeding him. Tonite, we had some sphagetti, meatballs, broccoli, carrots, and apple. At first he didn't like the meatballs, which I had cut up into small pieces. So I stuck a fork into a meatball, and he immediately grabbed it, took a bit bite, and said "Delicious!" He also didn't like the broccoli when I broke it up into smaller pieces--he wanted the "big one!"
Joshua is good talking on the phone now, so it makes Annette's being away not as bad. He talks to mom several times a day, loves to see her on the computer, and says that she will be back "Saturday!"
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I love you dadda!
Lookout Farm
Today, we concluded our apple picking season at Lookout Farm. Joshua loves to pick and eat apples--we will definitely be back next year!
Joshua was going about his regular routine of feeding sheep in the petting farm at Lookout, when all of a sudden, a very aggressive goat rammed into one of the sheep next to Joshua, who also got knocked down the the ground. It was a little comical, but Joshua wasn't too happy. I think he was more shocked than anything. Well afterwards, all the parents were holding their kids and not letting them walk around by themselves in the sheep pen after seeing what happened to Joshua!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hair Up!

When Joshua saw himself in the mirror this morning, he noted, "Hair up!" He then said "Down" and tried unsuccessful to pat his mohawk down. Annette asked him if he wanted to wet his hair down, and he did. We actually like his funky hair. It's funny to see him be so conscious of his looks--from refusing sometimes to wear those red pants, and picking out a "maching shirt", or wanting to wear his yellow or green bib.
Sometimes when we are changing him and he's still topless, Joshua will caress his skin and say, "Nice!"
Monday, October 8, 2007
Momma sick!
We read through Joshua's dim sum book tonite, and I taught him to say, "Char Siu Bao" "Har Gow" "Siu Mai" and "Dan Tat" which we will hopefully eat sometime this week! :)
"Hold you!" Joshua says whenever he wants us to hold him, because we ask him, "Do you want me to hold you?"
Saturday, October 6, 2007
New York!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Budding Botanist
Time Out
This morning, he saw the stool, sat on it by himself, and said "time out, messy" and then got up.
I think, but am not positive he got the message.
Playtime at the housing project
But our first nite this week was fun, and Joshua had a blast. Joshua was a hit with the other kids, impressing them by naming letters they would make out of small building sticks. Joshua really likes playing with older kids and wasn't intimidated or shy at all. He really liked playing with this one older 8yr old black girl named Regina, who really liked carrying him around the room. Joshua helped me play Connect Four, randomly inserting red and black chips into the grid; lining up the chess pieces, dominoes, and Jenga pieces; putting together magnetic balls and sticks, drumming on boxes, and eating potato chips. He probably just thinks it's a fun party!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Quick Recovery
Thursday, September 27, 2007
What's that noise?
He seems to be enjoying playing with his new friend Evan at Bible Study every Wednesday nite. Carmen also says he sat through all of story time at the library today, and even danced at music group earlier this week. It seems he is starting to blossom socially this week.
We went to Wingaersheek Beach again this Wednesday. It was a surprise because I thought summer was over, but the temps hit the 90's so we hit the beach! The showers were closed, so I ended up washing Josh in the beach bathroom sink. Joshua ate sandwiches after climbing up the rock like a big boy. He wants to do a lot of things, "by self!" these days. He walked in the water all the way up to his chin, and gulped the salty water a couple of times, but it didn't phase him. When he's done at the beach, he tells me he is ready to go "home."
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
22 months old
1. put three words together, like "Two people talking."
2. assemble his Thomas train tracks into a big circle.
3. tell us what he had for dinner: "rice, tubu (tofu), mango"
4. says his clothing preferences: "red shirt" "yellow fish bib"
5. sits on his tricycle, but no pedaling yet.
6. counts spontaneously to 10, sometimes 11
7. knows ending to many sentences in his books (Little Miss ____)
8. likes to bat balloons with his fan
9. recognizes many letters "B, O, H, M, E, A, X, C, T, J, S"
10. skipping his milk, more finicky eater, and getting skinnier
11. pretends to pick apples and gives them to us
12. says, "umm" when he pauses before he answers a tough question
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Annette has been trying to get Joshau to eat pasta with tomato sauce without luck. But tonite, I had Joshua cook with me, and he happily dunked his rotellis into the sauce saying "Dip sauce." I felt very proud.
We made our probably final trip to Wingershaek Beach for the year today. It was an awesome beach day--80 degrees, sunny. Food at the vendors was great. Water was a little chilly, but Joshua loved it, and kept on asking for "More waves!"
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"Pangu Dadda!"
Our conversation tonite at dinner:
"Joshua--where are you going tomorrow?"
"And what are you doing to play with at the beach?"
"And what are you going to put into your bucket?"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Eleven and Kim Bop!
He also saw his first jaguar and sleeping snow leopard, but what he loved most at the Stone Zoo was transferring little pebbles from one pile to another.
I was feeding Joshua dinner and he kept asking for "Kim Bop" which I didn't understand until Annette came home and told me that it means "sushi" in Korean.
While driving at rush hour to the Esplanade Concert, Joshua kept on commanding, "Go! Go!" whenever we were stopped in traffic. We explained to him that when the stoplight is red, we have to wait, and that when the light is green, we can go. So then whenever we were stuck in heavy traffic at a green light, he would say, "Green Go! Green Go!"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Cooking Salmon
Annette's friend Nancy came to visit with her husband Armand, and Joshua really took to them, flashing his coy smile and trying to show off, counting the lights in the dining room: "1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10!"
His favorite games these days:
1) Dancing and falling down. He likes us to join in: "Dance Dadda!" "Dance Momma!" And then he points to the floor and commands us to "Fall down!"
2) He likes to sit at the dining room table and arrange the placemats into a big "choo-choo."
Annette noticed yesterday that he has started to jump with both feet off the ground when he is dancing.
While changing his diaper the other day, I was surprised when he named not only "Elmo" on his diaper, but also "Ernie" and (Big) "Bird!"
I can't count how many words he knows now. It seems to be growing by the minute.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Zoo
Joshua asked to see the monkeys first. Maybe because of his book, "Goodnite Gorilla?" When he thinks about the zoo--he thinks about monkeys?
But what he liked most was the lion, and in particular, the jeep driven into the lion cage such that you can sit in the driver's seat and feel like you are in the lion cage! The lion was sleeping at first, but then he got pretty active and started to walk around and growl, or as Joshua explained, "Lion talking!" At one point, the lion came so close to Joshua that he flipped out, spilled his Cheerio bowl, and jumped into my lap!
We also sat on the carousel, but Joshua wasn't interested in riding the horses, giraffes, and camels going up and down. He just wanted to sit on the bench and just go around and around. He did seem to enjoy it nevertheless--at the end, he wanted to do it, "Again!"
He also got a big kick out of visiting the chicken coop, noting that the rooster was "sitting!" And he also liked seeing the newly hatched flamingos in the nursery--"Baby!"
It is fun exploring with Joshua. We take our time and notice things like bees in the trash and rocks on the ground.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Back Seat Driver
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Swim Lessons
Race Cars
Monday, July 30, 2007
More Money!
When we were sitting in the Subaru waiting for Annette to return with take out food, Joshua kept asking uncle Ryan and me for "More money!" to put into our parking meter coin stash. Precocious or greedy?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Maki and Hannah
At dinner last nite, he wanted to eat Grandma Dottie's oatmeal muffins--he called it a "cake!"
His favorite book these days is a multicultural very colorful counting book in which a white haired woman travels around the world on a flying carpet to collect items. He likes to point out the sun, moon, boats, drums, ducks, dogs, and other things she encounters along the way. This is his "ah-ma" book, because the woman looks like a grandma.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tonite while reading "Goodnight Moon," Joshua surprised me by filling in the blanks when I read "The cow jumping over the ____" and "three little bears sitting on _____".
His favorite book these days is Good Nite Gorilla. He likes it when mom reads it to him, and he likes to pretend to be the gorilla opening up the cages with his keys.
I also heard Joshua speak Korean yesterday when he said "Pang!" and ran into his room.
Annette's friend came over for dinner tonite, so Annette prepared him ahead of time for our guest, saying "Wendy is coming to dinner tonight." When she arrived, he called out her name "Wendy!"
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
When it comes to picking food, Joshua will always reach for the largest pieces and says, "Big!" He may then point at the little piece he skipped over, and disparagingly say, "Small."
At dinner tonite, he reached over and grabbed me very tenderly. He stayed very still for a few seconds, and then I realized he just pooped. He later proclaimed, "Poo-poo!" while he pointed at his pants.
Monday, July 2, 2007
At Trader Joe's yesterday, Annette asked Joshua what color balloon he wanted, "Blue? Red? White?" Joshua said, "Mink!", which means pink. He's a boy who is confident in his masculinity. He also likes accessories, going up to Dottie to borrow her bracelets, or to carry around a purse, try on shoes, and wear all types of jewelry!
We also had a great visit with Grandma and Grandpa Tang, and Auntie Jenny and family. Joshua missed them a lot once they left, always running out to the living room to see if they were still there. "Yeh-yeh?" "Ah-ma?" "Guh-guh?" "Jeh-jeh?" "Aunt?" "Cheese?" he would ask.
His favorite toy: drums.
Joshua's vocab has grown so much--I can't keep track of the words he can say. When he wants something, he says, "Iwandat!" He asks for "milk" now instead of just "wa-wa." He asks for "Elmo"--and likes to tickle him, as well as dad. He goes to town eating corn on the cob, and is a big fruit fan: plums, grapes, peach, and watermelon.
He's not quite ready for potty training yet, but he knows what poo-poo is and that it goes into the toilet, which he likes to flush.
We've realized that frequent diaper changes are the key to keeping him from itching his balls.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Everything is no longer "blue." Our friend Eric taught him the color "white" today! Joshua seems to be learning at a phenomenal pace. Today, he picked up the words: "pump", "spoon", and "pit" as well.
Joshua had another meltdown today when he saw me picking up our friend's son Jackson. Full out crying to the point vomitting--it took me a good while to calm him down again. Annette tells everybody that I love it--that Joshua is such daddy's boy--it's true. I cherish these days, because I sense they won't last.
I was telling Annette yesterday how amazing it is that Joshua just gets more delightful as he ages. I guess there will come a point when that stops happening--? adolescence? Uhh--I don't look forward to that teen rebellion stage.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
I bought him a plastic tractor from Shaw's the other day for $3, which he loves. He makes a "do-do-do" sound when he moves the shovel part up and down, just like the way I showed him. I like it when he runs over to me and wants to play together with the tractor.
We also play the "scare" game. He pretends something is scary, and he starts to pant and runs over to hug us. He also pretends to be scared of strangers sometimes, but usually he likes to wave hi and bye to people, hand them his sippee cup, and shake their hands.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
"Bye-bye Da-da"
We were delighted to see Joshua playing with some older kids for the first time today. He loved especially imitating the older boy, lying down next to him on the ground, dog piling on him, and running after him.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Running and trains
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Itchy Balls
Dog or Duck? and drumming
He is also really into drumming these days. He is always looking for his drumsticks and trying to assemble his various cans and bowls into his customized drum set. He wiggles his elbows up and down as he drums, and loves to perform for an audience. He will occassionally use the real drum set downstairs in the music room, but his real passion is kitchenware drumming! He has a lot of creative energy like his mom.