Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy 8th birthday Joshua!

At 8 years old, he is the sweetest lego loving big brother there is.

To Annette today: "I love walking home with you mom. We can stop and look at things and talk about them."  I came across them as they were walking to campus and I was headed toward Sam's school - - he ran toward me to give me a hug.

Joshua celebrated his 8th birthday in Beijing at a  pizza pub with his new friends: Chloe, Han, and Yenmingzhi.
His favorite toys now are: nerf guns, Chima and Star Wars Legos, and of course his iPad especially the magic chess and Angry birds apps.
His favorite TV cartoon is KaiXing Chaoren, a Chinese superhero.
He likes to build paper airplanes, answer math questions and teaching his little brother all about life.
He still does not like most veggies except broccoli and squash.
His favorite food is McDonald's, nuggets, cheeseburgers, and of course cheese pizza.
He's growing up fast, but still likes to give and get hugs and kisses from us. His sweet little lamb from age 2yrs old is still his bedtime companion.

We love you Joshua!

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