Monday, December 27, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dot com generation and Lego lessons

Last night at dinner, we were talking about snow plows, and I asked Joshua why some snow plows have brushes and others have shovels. He said, "I don't know dad. Let's google snowplow dot com and find out!"

Today, our babysitter heard Joshua saying, "Samuel come here. I'm going to give you a Lego lesson!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

5th Birthday

Annette made her annual cake extravangaza for Joshua again this year.
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Construction crew

At Sparrow park near our old house in the South End

Lego Firetruck

Joshua still loves his legos, and making firetrucks.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hawaii tip for dad and girlfriends

Joshua told me this morning, "When you go to Hawaii, leave your ring at home." He has taken my lost wedding rings stories to heart.

When I told Joshua the other day that he might have a lot of girlfriends someday, he looked sheepishly aside and said, "But I just like my brother Samuel." And the love is mutual. I jokingly asked Samuel tonight who he loves more, Mommy or Daddy, and he said, "Joshua!"

These days in addition to their favorite game of "garbage", where they take buckets of toys and dump them onto the sofa and bed, they also enjoy playing:
1) Christmas. In this pretend game, the boys led by Joshua make presents and put them in boxes to distribute to the rest of us. Opening them immediately is mandatory! One can also be selected to be Santa Claus and decide whether the boys and girls have been good or bad.
2) the boys have rediscovered the Thomas train sets again and it is so sweet to watch them build tracks together. Joshua is a generous teacher, always willing to show Samuel what to do when he gets stuck.
3) gym time. The boys like to run around in the hallway outside our dorm gym, playing with the Pilates balls, creating tents, runways, obstacle courses with the mats, taking breaks to drink water, and wrestling with one of us.
4) and of course, building legos is still a staple of their daily activities.

1st Christmas concert

I was lucky enough to be a one of Joshua's classes practice for his first ever Christmas concert. I've seen other kids' shows at schools which have moved me. I'm sure I'll be all teary eyed on Monday night watching Joshua.

Here is a link to the video: