Thursday, July 19, 2007

Maki and Hannah

visited Joshua this week and he loved playing with them. One day, he spontaneously went up to Maki and gave her a hug. They also held hands one nite and danced around in a circle. We ask Joshua now where Hannah and Maki are, and he says, "Hannah home" and "Maki home."

At dinner last nite, he wanted to eat Grandma Dottie's oatmeal muffins--he called it a "cake!"

His favorite book these days is a multicultural very colorful counting book in which a white haired woman travels around the world on a flying carpet to collect items. He likes to point out the sun, moon, boats, drums, ducks, dogs, and other things she encounters along the way. This is his "ah-ma" book, because the woman looks like a grandma.

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