Monday, October 26, 2015

Homework king

Was sort of amazed at how hard Joshua can work when he sets his mind to it.
I mentioned to him that he needed to finish his homework, fold the laundry and clean his room if he wanted any screen time.
He then proceeded to independently finish is Chinese homework (none of which I understand), his English project, the laundry, and cleaned his bedroom.

Pretty amazing.  I am sometimes frustrated with his lack of social awareness (I know, not his fault), or his lacking physical/dietary versatility, but hope I can just chill and appreciate the awesome person he is.

Vasquez rocks

Have been wanting to take the boys out to the Vasquez rocks and finally made it out there this weekend.  Spectacular.  Beautiful morning with cool sunny weather in October.  The boys kept saying, "This is awesome!"  "We should take our friends here!"  "I didn't think we could make it up here!"--after summiting one of the tallest peaks.