Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's Powerful

I was reading to Joshua from his toddler Bible tonight about the time Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding. I asked him, "How come Jesus was able to do that?" Joshua replied on his own, "He's powerful!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Teaching Samuel

Joshua enjoys being a big brother and teaching Samuel how to do things.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pooping for trains

I think we have reached an incredible milestone with Joshua. He pooped in a public toilet today. Just these past few days, he's started to tell us when he wants to poop. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night, sometimes before a bath, or like today, at the dim sum restaurant. We give him a Thomas sticker for every time he poops, and when he has 10 of them on his reward poster, he gets a train, or a ceramic house full of trains. For awhile, it seemed like he really wanted to poop--he'd always say when he was at the toy store: "When I poop, I can get that toy!" I am so proud of him.

What I like about ME

Annette was really touched by what Joshua wrote.
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Wonderland: Lake Swanzey NH

We spent Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend at a retreat center in NH by a huge frozen lake. Though frigid cold the first day, it warmed up to the 20's the second day and we awoke to light, beautiful snowflakes falling in the morning.

Joshua shoveling snow with a broomball stick.

Annette ordered this inflatable sled a while ago, and it finally came in handy. It doubles as Joshua's snow dumptrunk.
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We also managed to find a decent hill to go sledding.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun and Games

New Year's with Aspen in Orange County

Riding the Lego Express

I'm a firefighter!

First snow for Joshua in 2009

Tonight, Joshua said, "Let's play swords and hit each other!"

I watched Super Nanny tonite and realized I'm slipping into a bad bedtime routine with Joshua again: lying with him in bed, giving him water when he asks for it, and sitting in a chair outside his bedroom as he falls asleep. Annette stepped up and told him that wasn't going to happen anymore and he was just going to go to sleep!
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amazing Memory

Annette told Joshua today that we were going to Florida again for spring break and he said, "Remember last year when I had a nosebleed in Florida in the hotel?" Oh my, that was a year ago.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Riding a Scooter

When we were in California, Joshua borrowed a scooter from our friends the Yphantides.