Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We are family!

I was changing Joshua's diaper this morning and he asked me to sing, "We are Family" from Sister Sledge. Unfortunately, I've taught him all the wrong words: "We are family, all my brothers, sisters, and me!"

He later on sang, "A tisket, a tasket, I lost my yellow basket. I went to bed, and bumped my head, and couldn't get up in the morning."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where are you dadda?

It's nice to be wanted. Joshua says when I open the his bedroom door in the morning, "I'm waiting for you dadda." Or he'll look for me around the house asking, "Where are you dadda?"

It's Beautiful

Joshua's new favorite expression, "It's Beautiful!" He said it today while lying in the hammock in our courtyard looking up at the sky. Also says it once in awhile when he comes out of the car and looks outside and sees some pretty flowers or trees.

He dropped some food on the ground in the food court and I told him, "It's OK, that's for the birds." He paused, looked at me, and said, "There's no birds in here!" It's getting harder and harder to trick him.

He loves to eat his chewable multivatimins with iron, which we put into an empty Thomas the Train bottle. He says every morning, "I want a Thomas vitamin." He forgets very quickly that he's had one, and asks for one again in a few hours or later on that nite. Annette and I have to let each other know that we've given him one, or he'd very likely get another one. We've taught him though that he shouldn't eat more than one, by using Curious George as an example, since George got a "tummy ache" after eating too many cookies, and Joshua did through up once and we blamed it on eating too many vitamins!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Case of Wine, and Preschools

Joshua said he was going to the store to buy a "case of wine" today. We had a fun time playing Monopoly the other day. He liked rolling the dice, buying the railroad properties: "the trains, and landing on the "Go to Jail" space.

We've been thinking a lot about preschool for Joshua, whether he needs it (for socialization), if he'll get bored with being in preschool for too long, and visiting a bunch of them.

Here are some we've looked at:
Peabody Terrace at Harvard. The most impressive all around school I've seen. Right by the river and close to our house, but full.
Morse Preschool nearby our house. It's public and much more affordable--full time, year round. When we started on the waiting list, we were #130 for 16 slots.
MIT Stata Joshua could start his MIT education here. We turned down an infant slot for him when Annette visited and all the unattended infants started to reach for her. Bad sign.

Monday, May 5, 2008