Friday, October 5, 2007

Playtime at the housing project

Our Bible Study group's monthly activity is go hang out at the local housing project once a month and help out with their weekly arts and games nite with kids from 6:30-8pm. My first reaction wasn't so enthusiastic, as I thought about who I wanted Joshua to learn from, and how tired Annette and I would be at the end of the day to go play with more kids!

But our first nite this week was fun, and Joshua had a blast. Joshua was a hit with the other kids, impressing them by naming letters they would make out of small building sticks. Joshua really likes playing with older kids and wasn't intimidated or shy at all. He really liked playing with this one older 8yr old black girl named Regina, who really liked carrying him around the room. Joshua helped me play Connect Four, randomly inserting red and black chips into the grid; lining up the chess pieces, dominoes, and Jenga pieces; putting together magnetic balls and sticks, drumming on boxes, and eating potato chips. He probably just thinks it's a fun party!

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