Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

This year, we decided to go trick or treating in the Cambridge neighborhood instead of trekking out to Brookline, the closed-off-to-cars area in Boston that we went to last year. We met a lot of really nice neighbors and were impressed with how many families were out on the street enjoying the festivities. There were a lot of Obama pumpkins around:

Joshua got the hang of trick or treating this year. He would get so excited seeing the decorated houses and getting candy, he would do a celebratory shuffle/stomp dance every once in awhile. It was so cute, and funny, because once he got so excited while doing his dance that he fell and all his candy spilled out.

Joshua meets his match here.

His favorite candy of the night came from a lady who threw a "ghost lollilop" to him. (Joshua is holding it in his hand here)

At the end, we asked Joshua want he wanted to dress up as next year and he said, "a butterfly." We'll see.

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