Sunday, November 16, 2008


At the Science Museum today, Joshua was looking at the big Rube Goldberg contraption and pronounced, "This is like the one in the airport." "But the one at the airport has 2 cymbals." I find it remarkable he associates the two machines, and then is able to remind specific features and can compare them. I think he's going to be an engineer.

He also successfully built a Tumble Tree Timbers roof on his own, which really surprised me.

Joshua's diapers training has been going well. 2 nites ago, while brushing his teeth, he said he wanted to go poop, so as he was sitting down and I thought this was going to take a while like usual, he suddenly pushed out a big adult size one into the toilet. Impressive. I immediately ordered him another toy train to celebrate. In the daytime, he stays pretty dry in his pullups. We used up the last of his diapers this week, and we bought about 200 new pullups for home and school use. Joshua is becoming a big boy.

At the museum, he was carrying a large stool around so he could climb up and get a better look at the trains. He explained, "I'm three now and very strong."

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