Sunday, April 15, 2007

Children's Museum

The new Children's Museum reopened this week and Joshua went to visit twice. He loves to look at the windmill spinning on the first floor, and is attracted to any exhibit where he can pretend to drive a car. It has been interesting to watch him slowly learn how to play with the train set in the PlaySpace, where he initially just grabbed the cars and banged them together--now he knows to push the trains along the tracks, let them go at the top of the hills, and watch them zoom down and crash! Lots of kids play at the train set, and Joshua is not afraid to assert himself!

At the Dana playground yesterday, he started going up the play structure and coming down the slide all by himself with lots of glee. He sits on the top of the slide, and flahes me a big smile before he comes giggling down the slide. He's a big boy now! We also get a lot of exercise on the swings--Joshua likes to be pushed for a few seconds and then wants to get on the neighboring swing--again and again and again....


Mr. Tang said...

Hey Rol,
Can you add an rss link so that we can add the feed to my yahoo page? Miss you guys.

Judy said...

Joshua, when Grandma Tang comes to visit you in June I will push you on the swing!