Monday, March 8, 2010

Pilgrims and Pirates

Conversation in the car the other day:
JT: "Did you know Pilgrims lived in our home before?"
AK: "What are Pilgrims?"
JT: "Pilgrims are people from the Mayflower"
AK: "What is the Mayflower?"
JT: "The Mayflower is a pirate ship"
AK: "What is a pirate?"
JT: "Pirates are people who wear an eye patch"
AK: "Why do they wear eye patches?"
JT: "To scare people"
RT: "You mean pilgrims were pirates?"
JT: "No!"
RT: "But you said Pilgrims are from pirate ships"
JT" "No, it just looks like a pirate ship."
RT: "Oh, I see."

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