Sunday, March 21, 2010


I was sitting in a conference and I received a text from Annette with the above picture. I couldn't resist. I left my pen ontop of the notebook and just walked out to join my family playing in the sun. It's beginning to feel like Spring!
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Hungry Preschooler

Something you see when you have a hungry preschooler at home.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Time Out...I love you!

When Samuel gets a time out (usually for throwing his food), Joshua the enforcer is always right there to make sure we don't miss any infractions. Joshua knows we always give a big hug and kiss after the timeout, so now he'll try to beat us to the punch and runs up to Samuel and says, says, "I love you!"

The Fear of God

Joshua has been really earnest in his bedtime prayers ever since Annette told him that if you look at God, you will die. I told her to stop scaring our son.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pilgrims and Pirates

Conversation in the car the other day:
JT: "Did you know Pilgrims lived in our home before?"
AK: "What are Pilgrims?"
JT: "Pilgrims are people from the Mayflower"
AK: "What is the Mayflower?"
JT: "The Mayflower is a pirate ship"
AK: "What is a pirate?"
JT: "Pirates are people who wear an eye patch"
AK: "Why do they wear eye patches?"
JT: "To scare people"
RT: "You mean pilgrims were pirates?"
JT: "No!"
RT: "But you said Pilgrims are from pirate ships"
JT" "No, it just looks like a pirate ship."
RT: "Oh, I see."

Dinosaur Tie

We had our annual semi-formal dinner for our residents and Joshua was very excited about wearing his dinosaur tie. He's really looking forward to wearing it again.
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