Sunday, December 21, 2008

Webcam with Josh

I can't resist blogging about Joshua even though he's not around.

Tonight, we had a lot of fun playing through the webcam. I would point the camera out the window and show him all the snow that had accumulated on the street outside and more importantly, the snow plows working feverishly to clear the roads. He was entranced and said, "I want to go back to Boston!" We also sang some songs, "ABC', "San Toki--the rabbit song", "London Bridges", "I'm a little acorn nut". He would also listen and comment about the discussion that Annette and I were having, like when daddy "almost" crashed in the snow (not really), or that my windshield wiper was broken (temporarily) and that it was "scary."

I can't wait to see my family in 3 days, and be free to play with them for 2 weeks!

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