Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day with Mommy

Annette took Joshua out to see a Little League game along the Esplanade.

Then they visited the Ducklings at the Boston Commons.

And then they played at Sparrow Park close to where we used to live in Boston. Mommy walked a lot that day--3.5 miles!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wearing a Tie

Our annual nominations dinner is sort of formal, and we missed the boat on a tuxedo onesie last year, but we did manage to get a tie on Joshua this year.

Lining things up

Joshua really enjoys lining things up, like these bottled drinks. He says they are choo-choo trains. Annette says that he gets this anal tendency from me.
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New Bedtime Routine

Now at night, Joshua likes to pretend to be us--and will read us stories, put us to bed, gives us a kiss and turns off the light, and then says it's his turn to be a baby.


"Once upon a time there was a rig, and then a dump truck,...chicken, chicken, chicken...the end. Go to bed."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Boston Commons

It was a beautiful spring day in Boston, and Annette made a lovely sushi picnic for us at the park.

Yesterday, Joshua grabbed some books and said, "Those are my books to go to school."

Joshua likes to pretend to be a baby, and and when I try it, he says, "No, you're not a baby--you're a dada!"

Whenever he answers a question now, he likes to make it complicated: "Yes, but ......."
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Trains, Sleeping, and the Zoo

Joshua built this fancy train track on his own.

Annette found Joshua sleeping with his butt in the air.

A beautiful day in the zoo.

Some things Joshua said today:

"Look at this; I'm stepping on the wheel" when he was playing on the train in the zoo.

He kisses up to older kids, like today when he offered some of the food I was feeding him to older children. "I get you some grapes. My dad is holding it." He says "hi" to them, but they usually just ignore him.

"I found a pine cone" Where does he get this vocabulary?

We were looking at some ostriches standing together and he said, "They're a family."

He likes to warn other people about dangerous things, like when we were at the lion's cage and some kids came by. He told them: "The tiger is going to bite you!"

"This is my favorite zoo."

While stomping on ants, "I'm going to kill them." And then when the massacre was over, "They're dead."
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You can hear the lion roaring.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Haircut Chair

Joshua pointed out an old tossed out Bumbo Chair at the playground today: "That's a haircut chair." I guess his experience at 6 months old getting a haircut was very traumatic and unforgettable.

Joshua has become a watermelon snob. He is really into the small seedless watermelons at Trader Joe's, and not the ones from Shaw's or BJ's. We had some watermelon last nite, and as soon as he bit into it, his dissastisfaction was obvious. He disappointedly muttered:"BJ's"

The weather in Boston was wonderful today. I came home from work early and took Joshua to the local playground, where he liked swinging really hard and crashing into me, and building sand castles with two other girls in the sandbox.

We had the midway ultrasound done today and found out that Joshua is going to have a little brother!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Electricity in the Balls!

Joshua is really becoming an expert in public transportation. When Annette took him to the Children's Museum today, he reminded her that they needed to transfer to the Silver Line from the Red Line at South Station.

He really loves monorails in particular, looking at the YouTube videos of Disneyland monorails, and even his own video of himself watching a live monorail at the Miami airport.

He loves that the Green Line and Blue Line trains have eletricity. And I was really surprised when he remembered that the huge Van de Graff generator at the Museum of Science has electricity--"Electricity in the Balls!"

Once Upon a Time

The last two nites, instead of wanting us to read books to him, Joshua has been wanting to read books to us. He starts off: "Once upon a time...." and then makes up stories about trees, monkeys, trains, and where everybody is going.

It's Springtime!

Joshua woke up this morning and remarked looking out the window, "The buds are coming out.  It's springtime!" and clapped.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Beach Picnic

Eating outdoors was a fun treat we got to enjoy in Miami. Here, Joshua gets pampered with lunch delivered to his beach chair.

Miami Beach

We took a mini-vacation to Miami Beach. Joshua loved the beach. He kept on wanting to go deeper and deeper into the water.

He also liked eating in Miami--the breakfast buffet, and the big crowds at the Lincoln Road Mall.
But all the partying caught up with him, and he threw up all over dad on the flight home.
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lego Engineer

Joshua has progressed from randomly putting together his Lego pieces to now intelligent design. He put together this monster "double decker" train using all his Lego pieces.

Easter Egg Hunt v.2.0

Joshua was a lean mean egg hunting machine this Easter with his friend Evan.

Please Carry Me

Ever since we can remember, Joshua has said to us, "Hold you?" whenever he wants us to hold him, presumably because he heard us asking him once, "Do you want me to hold you?" But today, for the first time, when we were out and I asked him if he wanted to walk or for me to hold him, he said, "Please carry me."

We went to the Children's Museum today and he had a good time in the Japanese House, making pretend sushi for everyone. Afterwards, we went to Chinatown and had dim sum--Joshua was only interested in eating siu mai today. The ladies pushing the dim sum carts thought Joshua was so cute; one even put a red dim sum stamp on his hand. Joshua tried using real chopsticks--but by stabbing the dim sum simulataneously with chopsticks in each hand.

We went on our monthly outing to the housing projects to play with kids, and Joshua really showed his development into a sociable host--he says hello to every random person he meets.