Joshua has been a big help, starting to do some many things by himself.
He wakes up in the morning on his own, goes to the bathroom, dresses himself, brushes his teeth, sits down for breakfast (can get his own cereal and milk), put on his shoes and be ready for school!
Samuel on the other hand, comes out of the bedroom and says, "is today a home day." When he hears that no, it's a school day, he immediately whines, "Ah, I don't want to go to school! Can I stay home with you today." No one is going to be home, you have to go to school. More whining. Then, "Can you help me daddy...." Not so independent, yet.
Joshua's prayers at night, "Thank you God for no scary dreams last night, and please help me not have any scary dreams tonight. And please help everyone with anything they want, need, or need help with. Amen."
Samuel, ":Dear God, --daddy can you help me?" Or when he is in an imaginative mood, "Help me to destroy all the idols. I hate idols."
I was helping Joshua with his homework today and was impressed with how much Chinese he can write--it's definitely more than I can write. I have to use the Pleco dictionary and OCR, to understand the Chinese vocabulary that he is doing. It's fun to watch him as he is thinking. Can't help but think he is much smarter now than I was at his age.
Helping Samuel with his letters, I realize he has a hard time with diagonal and curvey letters. I was giving him a hard time with simply copying "m" and "n" the other day, and I saw the difference between his "L" and "T" and the other letters. Also holding and writing with a implement, is much different from tracing on an ipad. I need to give him leeway with learning to write at this point. He definitely doesn't have the persistence of Joshua. After writing a letter 3-4 times, he says, "I'm tired, daddy" and wants to quit.
Brothers after a haircut: