Saturday, March 24, 2007


Joshua makes a snow angel


Whenever Joshua wants something now, he's says, "Peeese!"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day with Dad

Moments from the day:
Joshua spreading Cheerios over Harvard Yard from stroller
drinking milk from straw!
sitting and coloring at Harvard Coop while other children destroying store
waving to lots of people, making many people smile
spontaneously retreiving dust broom and pan to sweep, twice
sitting on carpet waiting for food
I will always look back on these Wednesdays with Josh with great fondness.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Momma! Bobba!

Joshua points and smiles to himself as he says Momma! and Bobba! I can't tell if he's imitating us, or mocking our attempts to teach him our names, or if he is truly confused. Sometimes, I'm "dadda," sometimes, "momma," and sometimes, "bobba" He calls Annette the same things.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm growing taller!

August 2006

March 2007
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Making Salad

Joshua helped make us food for the first time today. He was very conscientious to tear the lettuce into itty bitty pieces before separating them into the 2 bowls. Thanks Josh!
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Snow Stomper

The chill finally broke and temperatures hit 50F today. Kids were out in force at the playground. Joshua slowly scooted his butt down to the edge of a slide with the biggest grin on his face--and wheee!--he did the slide by himself for the first time today! Joshua was also fascinated by the few remaining snow/ice patches on the ground and didn't mind slipping and sliding on the ice while stomping away at the crunchy snow. Spring here we come!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Snow Day

Brrr. It's cold. Tonite, it was -7 degrees F with wind chill. Yikes. The other day, we took Joshua out to play in the snow by the soccer field by the dorm. It was frozen over with ice, but we still had fun. :)

No Tuxedo for Josh

We feel like super lame parents. At our most recent hall dinner, the dress code was formal, and we showed up with Joshua in his sleeper. What we really wanted to do was to get him this cool little tuxedo onesie, complete with tails! We need to get our act together.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Put Back

"Ba!" Joshua exclaims a lot. He means "Back!" He has a strong sense of where things belong. He puts his crayons back into the box, and toys back on the shelf. Today after "play-sweeping" the floor with the dust mop, I was surprised to see him try to put it back into the closet. When we were at the health center for a meeting, I got him a toy from the waiting room and brought it into the meeting area. When he was bored with the toy, he wanted to put it "Ba!" in the waiting room again. Now he doesn't always do this, and it also doesn't mean his room and our house is clean or free of toy-strewn floors. But he does like to put things back! He'll need to work in a library like his dad once did.


Joshua ate his first banana like an adult today. At first, he tried to replace the peel on the banana, but he got the idea and was soon chomping away. In the past, we've just been givin him slices or chunks. He's slowing transforming into a mini-adult, or a monkey.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

16 months

Just realized that Joshua is 16 months old now. Can't believe he will be a year and half in just 2 months. When I hold him in my arms--there is really nothing better than that. He is just a delight in our lives--always with a ready smile. Tonite, while I was cooking dinner, he was happily shredding lettuce in our salad spinner. He laughs with glee when we play peek a boo, or when I shoot him into the air with my feet during airplane. He was swaying back and forth playing music on a computer simulation at the museum this afternoon. I love our bedtime routine where we say goodnite to all the rooms and furniture, read stories on the couch, and then lay down to sleep on pillows in his room. He loves to cuddle and so do we. We love you Joshua!

Stoic Boy

Joshua took his three 15month shots like a man. Didn't cry at all for the first two, and only let out a growl at the last one. Unfortunately, after the shot, he's either got a new cold, or he's reacting poorly to the vaccines--he's the vomiting machine again, and both Annette and I are up every nite washing out the sheets, floor mats, pillows, our clothes, his clothes--sometimes more than once.

Year of the Boar

Joshua scored this Chinese New Year's. He has no idea, but his personal savings account has slowly grown to the point where he has more money now, than I ever did in college! And if his Google stock does well...

Geoffrey's gone

I was extremely disappointed when Geoffrey the giraffe, that Joshua always waves bye to at the Museum of Science store, was missing today. I regret not buying it for Joshua as Annette had suggested. Oh how Joshua loved to see Geoffrey, say hi and give him a hug! It had just seemed more special for Geoffrey to be at the museum, where he was something that Joshua could always look forward to seeing. Alas, no more Geoffrey and I should pick a routine that doesn't involve something that can be purchased away.